Wednesday, 22 May 2013

Bea Cakes!

So in the Summer I had a very belated birthday BBQ. I got loads of family and friends together, mixed in loads of cocktails and wine, a couple of 'party tents' and an array of food....and then I had a great idea to make 50 odd 'bea cakes' or bee cakepops! In theory, they were very simple to make. make a few chocolate cakes and as soon as they were baked I completely destroyed them, turning the cakes to crumbs. Mix in chocolate icing and make small balls, then put a lolly pop stick in each cake pop. I then put them in the fridge over night to firm. Then I melted white chocolate in a bowl, in another bowl put orange and yellow sprinkles, a black icing pen and chocolate button wings at the ready and prepared a polystyrene box covered in tin foil. Lastly, I found 2 helpers and the construction line began. Once all the pops had been dunked, sprinkled, iced, winged and placed in the polystyrene, I put them back in the fridge to firm again. By the end of the process, my helpers had left - they couldn't cope with the fiddlyness of it all! But everyone LOVED the end result and they looked great at the BBQ.

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